“Filled with cute scenes, romance, laughter, heartache, realness and THE FIRST KISS *swoon*”
Holidays in the Bluff #2
A snowy destination wedding. A fake relationship. And two people who think love is for fools.
Lily Dunn traded small town Australia for the bright lights of Hollywood and achieved her dream of making it big as a screenwriter. But these days her love life is less happily ever after and more crappily ever after.
Getting dumped on live television by her Hollywood hunk boyfriend sucks! The whole world has an opinion and the last thing she needs is her over-protective parents stressing about her broken heart at her cousin’s destination wedding.
But on the flight over she bumps into the boy who stole her teenage heart—rugged and charming surfer, Sean Hutcherson. He proposes an arrangement. If they pretend to date, Lily can avoid her family’s pity and Sean can avoid his little sister’s relentless and irritating matchmaking attempts.
The only rule is… keep it fake.
But snowball fights and stolen kisses and sharing a bed feels far too real. With their chemistry burning hotter than an open fire, can two bruised and battered hearts find the kind of love that only happens in the movies?
NB. previously published in the Snowy Ever After duet
Yes! Each book in this series features a different couple, so they can be read in any order.
Is this book available in languages other than english?
Not at this stage.
Not at this stage.
“Stefanie London writes with so much realness and heart you can’t help immediately being immersed in her words.””
Excerpt from Destined for Forever
“Brock is getting married.” She blurted out the words before her brain had time to catch up with her bruised and battered heart.
“It was all over the front page of US Weekly.” She let out a groan and stuffed a few more Sour Patch Kids into her mouth, almost as if punishing herself with the sourness. “Mum already texted me. The whole family will know by now.”
Bless her mother. She wasn’t a gossip, but the woman had a filter thinner than a piece of wet tissue paper. Undoubtedly, she would have ranted to Lily’s dad and her aunt and uncle as soon as she saw the article.
Can someone point me to a rock I can crawl under?
“Who cares what anyone thinks,” Sean replied. “The only thing that matters is how you feel about it.”
How did she feel about it?
Hurt. Betrayed. Ashamed.
Because Brock really had fooled her. For the three years they were together, she believed she was falling in love. At least, the early days felt like love. If she was being brutally honest, the past year had hinted at some cracks. They’d both been working more than they’d been together, with him travelling for acting jobs and her hiding away to meet deadlines. She’d thought it was nothing more than them “making hay,” as Brock used to put it.
Success demanded sacrifices of them both, so she’d told herself not to worry.
But if there was any truth at all to how he’d claimed to feel about her… then he wouldn’t already be engaged to someone else.
“Whatever,” she muttered. “I dodged a bullet.”
That’s how she would have to console herself. Because if she had married Brock at some stage and he pulled this crap afterward, then that would be so much worse.
“Want to tell me how you really feel?” Sean didn’t look over, because he was concentrating on the road. She felt like he cared about her answer, however. “Pretend for a minute that you’re not the person who has to be polite to jerks for the sake of your career. What would you say then?”
“I’d say that I hope his pants split while they’re doing the bridal waltz,” she said, wrinkling her nose. Sean’s hearty laughter boomed in the car and it pulled her out of her funk just a little.
“You can do better than that,” he teased.
A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. “I hope they release doves into the air during their wedding ceremony and everyone gets crapped on.”
“Good one. What else have you got?”
“Uh…” She thought about it. “I hope wedding crashers come and eat all of their cake.”
“Oh, that’s low.”
“I hope he forgets to pull up his fly after going to the bathroom and then he walks down the aisle with it open.”
She was being silly, but it felt good to let it out.
“I hope he gets left at the altar.” Okay, so maybe that one wasn’t so silly. It would serve Brock right. Let him see how it felt to be humiliated in front of an audience. “He deserves as much.”
“He deserves more than that,” Sean replied, with darkness adding an edge to his voice. “Much more.”
“Why couldn’t he have waited until after Evie’s wedding to do this?” She let out a long sigh. “My parents are going to be fussing over me all weekend now. And if one more person asks me what it’s like to date an actor, I’m going to stab myself in the eye with a toothpick.”
“You really have a way with words.”
“Thanks,” she grumbled.
“My offer still stands. I’m happy to be your diversion tactic.”
Why did it sound so tempting? Because she knew her mum and dad wouldn’t ask about an ex if she was currently with someone. Not to mention that people wouldn’t look at her with pity if she had a hot guy on her arm, and it would make her feel like less of a loser if she appeared to have moved on.
If she pretended to date Sean, she could act like the whole thing with Brock meant nothing to her.